Needing Something to Read?
I don't know about you, but I am beginning to feel like "cabin fever" is about to set in. Living in Minnesota, we try to find our way through a long winter, but when spring comes, it is time to get out and do something. Well, this COVID-19 virus has forced the winter "stay at home" to linger longer. So, what is a person to do? Allow me to make some reading recommendations. I have not done a book review in quite some time, so it is long overdue. With few stores open and with restaurants closed, except for the drive-thru, I strongly suggest sitting down and reading a good book. One that I highly recommend is titled, "Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions." The author is Greg Koukl, founder and president of an apologetics ministry known as Stand to Reason. Like many, I have often been fearful of engaging in a conversation with an unbeliever because I felt inadequate to answer his/her questions. Imag...