COVID-19 and the Placement of Our Hope
There is no question but that these are unprecedented times in which we are living. Not since World War II have we seen the entire world engulfed with a global problem. Oh we have had other pandemics before, but each of those was somewhat isolated and more easily contained. But the COVID-19 virus has now engaged nearly every nation on the face of the globe. And, it would appear, at least from predictions of medical experts, that the peak of the infection will come within the next two or three weeks. Daily the death toll continues to rise, although it is encouraging that the reported incidences of new cases has plateaued in many places. Our thanks goes to those on the frontlines of protecting us: doctors, nurses, emergency room specialists, EMT and ambulance drivers. God bless you for what you are doing and for the sacrifices you are making. Our thanks also goes to those truck drivers who are hauling the produce, meat, and grocery items tha...