COVID-19 and the Placement of Our Hope

There is no question but that these are unprecedented times in which we are living.  Not since World War II have we seen the entire world engulfed with a global problem.  Oh we have had other pandemics before, but each of those was somewhat isolated and more easily contained.  But the COVID-19 virus has now engaged nearly every nation on the face of the globe.  And, it would appear, at least from predictions of medical experts, that the peak of the infection will come within the next two or three weeks.  Daily the death toll continues to rise, although it is encouraging that the reported incidences of new cases has plateaued in many places.  Our thanks goes to those on the frontlines of protecting us: doctors, nurses, emergency room specialists, EMT and ambulance drivers.  God bless you for what you are doing and for the sacrifices you are making.  Our thanks also goes to those truck drivers who are hauling the produce, meat, and grocery items that are needed on a daily basis, and to those stores that try to keep their shelves stocked.  It is a Herculean task, I know, but thank you.  Healthy bodies are a strong defense against sickness.  And our thanks also to those federal, state, and local officials who are trying to stay one-step ahead of this virus.  Theirs is often a thankless job - always the sideline quarterbacks who think it should be done in a different way.  These leaders are not perfect, but I do believe they are trying to do their best.  They need our prayers and support right now. 

One of the consequences of this COVID-19 virus is the collapse of financial markets around the world.  Most of the financial exchanges have not seen these lows for decades, and in some places, not for almost an entire century.  Yet, in spite of the collapse, many nations have elevated the level of national spending in the hopes of keeping their economies from completely bottoming-out.  In a world where many nations already are plagued with a staggering national debt load, one wonders how this added debt will in fact help. 

I have been trying to look at this COVID-19 virus from a somewhat prophetic perspective.  I have already shared that I do not believe that this virus is one of the pestilences mentioned in Revelation 6.  But I do believe it is an illustration of the impact such a pestilence will have upon a world.  John tells us that the death toll from a combination of war, famine, pestilence (disease) and wild beasts will be a staggering one - over one quarter of the world's population.  Friends, if that were to happen today, the death toll would approach 1.5 billion people.  So, I think we are seeing just a glimpse of what is yet to come.

This virus has become a global pandemic.  It is a world crisis.  I further believe this virus is preparing the platform from which the one-world ruler will finally appear.  The reason why I say that is because it will take something of a worldwide crisis to cause the world to seek a leader that can solve the crisis and lead the world out of the chaos.  This virus may not be the trigger for that event to happen.  We know that other pandemics - perhaps of an even greater magnitude that the COVID-19 will arise.  The world is looking for a leader, someone they can put their confidence in.  And, I believe that ruler is now awaiting just behind the curtains. 

On another note with prophetic importance.  Yesterday a 6.5 magnitude earthquake struck portions of Idaho, eastern Washington and Montana.  A quake of this magnitude had not been felt for several decades.  Again, I recall the words of Jesus to His disciples that as the end of the age approached, there would be earthquakes in various places.  You just don't think of earthquakes and Idaho in the same sentence.  No, you think of Idaho and potatoes.  Just another reminder that God is in control. 

Then I was reading in the newspaper this morning that the waters in the Gulf of Mexico are 3 degrees warmer than normal, leading to a forecast of the potential for more deadly tornadoes this spring and stronger hurricanes this summer and fall.  These could add to the burden of an economy trying to find its way out of the bottom. 

Yes, these are painful days.  Yes, these are days where isolation begins to feel like imprisonment for many.  Yes, these are days when it is easy for fears to replace faith.  Yet these are days when it is more imperative than ever that we cling tightly to the throne of grace.  That we make sure our confidence is anchored in Christ Jesus.  That our hope for tomorrow does not depend upon some shelter-at-home edict (although I am fully supportive of those edicts which have been declared) or upon some as yet unknown vaccine.  Our hope for tomorrow rests upon the person of Jesus Christ and Him alone.

P.S. On another note, I just finished reading Brett Baier's book titled, "Three Days in Moscow," which tells the story of President Reagan's speech at Moscow State University in the spring of 1988.  Many believe it was this event that ended the Cold War.  I highly recommend it.  For many of us it will bring back memories of those final days of the Soviet Union and the collapse of Communism.  For others, it will help you to understand the reasons for our fears of socialism. 


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