More Attacks Upon Our Nation's Past and Its Values
I have written often about the great push among those on the left in America today to denigrate the past. They want to rewrite history with the express purpose of sanitizing it. In their history there would be no more slavery because all those who either had slaves or favored slavery would be expunged from history. So we remove statues of Confederate leaders such as Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis. In their history the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution would be nullified because it was written by a bunch of "white supremists." Since the election of 2016, one of the targets of the left has been the Electoral College, one of the tenets of the Constitution. The Electoral College is one of the great compromises of the Constitutional Convention held in Philadelphia in 1787. Oh the wisdom of our Founding Fathers. They wanted to ensure that every vote in a presidential election was valued. They were concerned that, i...