A Look Back, A Look Ahead
This is the final day of 2019. Tomorrow we initiate a new calendar filled with new opportunities and challenges. I always find it helpful as one year closes and another begins to take some time just to review what happened and to anticipate what might lie ahead. I thought I would invite you to sit in with me as I processed 2019 and looked forward to 2020. This past year was filled with increased international tensions. Hong Kong became a focal point for those seeking a more democratic voice. Tensions grew as the demonstrators became more bold with their demands, while the Beijing government made threats, yet often backed away. The matter of the future of Hong Kong is still unresolved as we enter into 2020. Question for 2020: Will the Chinese government yield to the demands of the demonstrators or will they come down with an iron fist? And, if they yield, will this cause others within China itself to demand similar concessions? An...