A Consequence of Darwinian Evolutionary Thinking

I trust you had a blessed Thanksgiving as you celebrated with family and friends.  And I trust you found much for which to praise the Lord.  His praise should constantly be upon our lips.  If it is not, then perhaps we need to check to see what our spiritual temperature is. 

I received an article posted on the Answers in Genesis website.  You might remember that this is the organization that brought the Ark and the Creation Museum into reality.  (I have not visited the Creation Museum, but I have the Ark Encounter.  That is one of the most amazing places ever.  Its size is overwhelming.  The engineering details are mind-boggling, even for today's engineering standards.  Then one stops to consider the story of Noah and his family occurs millenniums before us.  The blueprint of the Ark was certainly created by God, then assembled by Noah and his team of three sons).  This article was written by Ken Ham and can be found at: www.answersingenesis.org/sanctity-of-life/its-called-Darwinism-consequence-evolutionary-worldview.

Dr. Ham begins by relating a story: "How different are the logical consequences of the biblical worldview and the evolutionary worldview!  A recent sign discovered by the parents of a young baby battling two rare disorders highlights the brutality of the underlying philosophy of evolutionary thought.  These parents had posted signs advertising a fundraiser they are hosting to raise money for their son's medical expenses and further treatment.  In response, they found spray-painted signs that read, "Stop asking for money.  Let the baby die.  It's called Darwinism.  Happy Holidays."

Upon reading this most of us are repulsed with anger.  How could anyone make such a statement?  How could anyone be so insensitive to a family with a special need child?  Dr. Ham continues, "In the Darwinian philosophy, it's survival of the fittest - the strong survive to reproduce, the weak die off.  In the logic of this worldview, there is no room for compassion, caring for others, and helping the weak survive.  The author of the cruel sign is sadly consistent with his Darwinian beliefs, as were so many before him who took Darwin's ideas to their logical conclusions."  One of the foundational stones of the evolutionary theory (and by the way, it is a theory and not a fact) is that of the survival of the fittest.  In other words, it is only the strong who will survive; there is no place for the weak, therefore, they must be eliminated.  The Nazis were well-skilled at the art of the survival of the fittest.  Hitler had his vision of an Aryan race that would dominate the world.  To achieve this, Hitler issued orders to eliminate those who were thought to be weak: those with Downs Syndrome, those with congenital defects, those who were blind or deaf, those with mental disabilities.  He even targeted people groups, such as the gypsies, whom he decided were non-Aryan.  In Hitler's mind only the strong should live, not those who were weak. 

So, the person who posted the sign inviting the baby to die, was correct from his evolutionary thinking.  The child, in all likelihood, will struggle with medical issues all of his life and be dependent upon someone else to care for his needs, so why not just allow him to die?  Friends, every day here in our nation those decisions are made.  A child survives a botched abortion, but received no medical care but is simply allowed to die.  After all, it is the survival of the fittest.  A family is told that the child being carried in the womb has spina bifida and will never walk but be confined to a wheelchair, therefore an abortion is strongly suggested for who would want to always be encumbered with the care of a child with disabilities.  After all, it is the survival of the fittest.  There are discussions about when medical treatment of the elderly should be curtailed because those people are no longer contributing to society.  In the evolutionary theory, life is only permitted if it can advance life.  This is the Darwinian idea of the survival of the fittest. 

Dr. Ham then makes a strong distinction between the evolutionary worldview and the biblical worldview.  "How very different the biblical worldview is!  When we start with God's Word, we know this precious baby was made in the very image of God (Genesis 1:27), fearfully and wonderfully formed by his Creator (Psalm 139:14).  Yet he (like all of us) lives in a broken, sin-cursed world.  His body suffers from the effects of the curse.  And, until Jesus returns and establishes a new heaven and new earth, we fight against the consequences of the curse, care for the sick and disabled, and show them love and compassion as Christ did throughout his earthly ministry.  People with disabilities or disorders have as much right to life and our best care as anyone else simply because they are made in the very image of their Creator."

Friends, we have entered into the Advent Season - a time when we need to pause and remember the real reason why Jesus Christ came into this world.  It was because of the brokenness and the sinfulness of the world.  Mankind needed a Savior.  That is why Jesus came.  Let me close with the text from which I preached last Sunday.  It is Philippians 2:5-8 which reads: "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.  And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!"  I would encourage you to spend some time this week just chewing on this amazing Christmas text.  It will cause you to celebrate with joy.    


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